Thursday, August 11, 2011

Passing The Time...

I've been up since 6:00pm yesterday.  This tooth has been hurting more during the day and because of that I've been sleeping during the day and staying awake most of the night.  I'm so exhausted right now but I have to be at the oral surgeon's office at 10:45am.  We are leaving the house at 10:00am.  I thought that a shower would wake me up, but it did the opposite.  I'm even more sleepy!  I'm so anxious about this surgery.  I know that it really isn't that serious of a surgery, but I'm kind of scared about getting the shot put into my gums.  The last time I had that done, it hurt so much.  At least this time I will have the gas and hopefully that will help out some.  I guess I just hate dental work.  

I was on Facebook a little while ago and I saw a post from channel 4 news.  They were asking for opinions about whether or not sex education should be required in schools.  I think that it should be required.  These days, kids are having sex at a younger age.  Some of them are having sex before they are even teenagers.  Most, if not all of them, don't understand all of the risks that come with having sex.  My mom has had girls in her classes(she teaches at a high school) that have admitted to having sex and say that they won't get pregnant.  The worst part is that the ones that have said it, also have said that they aren't using any protection.  I think a lot of kids don't realize that it is very easy to get pregnant, even if you don't have full blown intercourse.  My mom has said that she also has kids that say that they don't use protection because the guy doesn't want to.  The guys tell them that it won't feel good if they use a condom.  That shows that kids really don't understand how easy it is to get a sexually transmitted disease.  Like most kids, they think they are invincible.  

I know that having required sex education classes in schools wouldn't stop every kid from getting pregnant or getting a STD, but I do think that they should be taught about those things.  They need to know about the different diseases and how serious some of them really are.  A lot of parents teach those things to their kids, but others don't.  Girls are getting pregnant at a younger and younger age every year and although a lot of them turn out to be wonderful mothers, there are some that turn out to be terrible mothers.  That isn't fair to the child.  A lot of girls think that they will get attention if they get pregnant.  It's sad that they crave attention so much that they feel that getting pregnant is the only way to go about getting the attention that they need.  

I think girls should be taught about the importance of waiting to have sex until they are either married or mature enough to know to use protection and how to prevent pregnancy.  I wish that I had listened to my parents when it came to the subject of sex.  I didn't wait until I was married and I regret that.  I did know the consequences of having sex at an early age and that did deter me from having sex at an extremely young age, but I definitely wish that I had waited until I was married!  A lot of girls think that they have to have sex with a guy to keep them as their boyfriend or to get a guy to love them.  A lot of guys use that to pressure a girl to have sex with them.  That is so wrong and I wish that every girl out there that is young would realize that they don't have to do that to get a guy to love them and that the one that really loves them, will wait.  

Now that I am a step-mom to a fourteen year old, my outlook about teenagers and sex is different.  Now, it is scary!  I don't want my step-daughter to have sex at her age.  She is a good kid and she goes to a christian school but unfortunately that doesn't mean much.  I was a good kid and went to a christian school...and I had sex.  I think that she knows better than to do that but all that parents and step-parents can do is talk to their kids and tell them the facts.  You could be extremely strict with kids and never let them leave the house, but that just leads to arguments and hostility. my opinion, sex education should be required in schools but not to the point of handing out condoms.  That just gives kids the idea to have sex because they think that as long as they have a condom that there isn't anything wrong with them having sex at such a young age.  They just need to know the facts....about the consequences of having sex.  

That's my opinion of the day!  LOL...just trying to pass the time before I get this tooth out!  

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