Thursday, August 11, 2011

Facebook Really Can Be Useful!

I am in complete awe about something that happened last night.  My mom called me yesterday afternoon and asked me if I would be able to take her to Centennial today so that she could be there for her brother who is having heart surgery.  He has been having a lot of heart problems lately, and has had a lot of procedures done.  I told her that I was having oral surgery today and wouldn't be able to do it.  She told me that she was going to drive, even though she never drives downtown and is actually terrified of doing that.  I gave her the directions last night and she told me that there was no way that she would be able to drive herself to Centennial.  She was afraid that she would have a wreck or get lost.  

She called her brother and told him that she wasn't going to be able to make it.  Then, she called me back and was crying.  She told me that she was so scared for her brother and that she didn't want Jan(her brother's wife) to be alone while he was in surgery.  She said that she was upset at herself for never learning to drive in Nashville.  I tried to reassure her but she just kept crying.  She had another phone call come through while we were talking and so she told me she would call me back.  

While I was waiting for her to call me back, I posted a status on Facebook.  I asked if anyone in Lebanon knew of someone that could take my mom to Centennial and bring her back home, to contact me.  In less than an hour of posting that status, someone called my mom and told her that they would take her and bring her home too.  First, my friend Lisa who goes to my mom's church messaged me on Facebook.  She said that she had texted someone but was waiting to see if they would respond.  They texted her back and then called my mom and set everything up for today.  The assistant minister at my mom's church and his wife are the ones that are helping my mom out.  

I am so thankful to Facebook for that.  I had never used Facebook for that purpose until last night and I couldn't believe how fast everything got worked out.  My mom finally called me back and just said that she got someone to take her.  She had no idea that I was the one that found someone for her.  The assistant minister had mentioned Lisa's name to her, but she couldn't figure out why he had said something about her.  

The most amazing part is that I posted that status at about 9:00pm and someone still took the time to find someone to help my mom.  I am so thankful for Lisa and for what she did to help my mom and I.  I hate not being able to help my mom, so I knew that I had to find someone to take her today.  I'm also very thankful for the assistant minister and his wife.  They dropped everything to help my mom.  Maybe they didn't have anything to do today, but I know that they have kids so I'm sure they had to rearrange their schedule a little bit.  

My mom was so happy to hear that she would be able to be there for her brother and Jan.  She hates to let people down, just like I do.  Plus, this surgery is complicated and she told me that she would feel so bad if something happened to her brother and she wasn't there.  

Facebook can have it's negativity at times, but last night it was the complete opposite!  Without it, my mom wouldn't have made it to Centennial today!  :)

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