Thursday, August 11, 2011

Oral Surgery Today

I'm having oral surgery in about four hours.  My upper right wisdom tooth is going to be cut out since there isn't much of it left and not enough of it showing for it to be pulled.  This tooth has needed to be taken out for a while now!  Last year, I got the upper left wisdom tooth out and at that time the dentist told me that the other one needed to come out too.  I didn't let him take the other one out, due to the way that I was treated by the dentist and the dental students.  

I went to Meharry for the other one last year.  The dentist/oral surgeon seemed nice, but everything changed once I was taken back to have the tooth taken out.  Not only was the dentist in the room, but there were ten students in the room as well.  One of the students looked like he was 10 years old...literally.  I don't know if he was just extremely smart for his age or if he had some kind of medical condition that made him look like a child....but it was really scary when I started thinking about him coming anywhere near my mouth!  

During the tooth extraction, one of the students dropped the suction tube down my throat and I started choking.  Neither the doctor nor the students noticed it.  I had to hit the dentist to get him to realize that I was choking!  By that time, I was a nervous wreck.  I was in pain because I could literally feel everything that he was doing to my tooth and choking on a suction tube didn't help matters.  After the procedure was done, I wasn't even given a prescription for pain medicine.  I would have understood that if all that he had done was pulled the tooth, but he actually had to cut it out, which meant cutting my gums.  

Needless to say, today I will not be going to Meharry.  I'm going to the oral surgeon that my husband and his parents have been going to for a while.  They said he is wonderful, so I'm hoping that everything goes well.  The office reassured Mike that I would have nitrous oxide before they started the procedure and during the procedure.  They also told him that I would be prescribed pain medicine after they were finished.  I'm sure that I will need it so that is a good thing!  

The oral surgeon was nice enough to call me in an antibiotic on Tuesday, even though I am a new patient.  I don't think they were supposed to do that legally, but since Mike and his parents are long-time patients of that office they decided to help.  This tooth is definitely infected and the gums around it are extremely swollen.  I've been using a whole lot of Orajel.  I know that's not good, but it is the only medicine that has helped with the pain.  I had some left over hydrocodone and even that didn't touch the pain that I'm having!  

So...I'm a little nervous about having this surgery today, but I am ready to get this tooth out.  The pain I have had lately is the worst that I have had in my life, and that is saying a lot because I have been through some painful things in my life.  The pain has been so bad that at times, I have had panic attacks because I just couldn't deal with it!  

I'm hoping for a smooth surgery and a fast recovery.  I know that I'm going to be in some pain after this, but I know it will be worth it!  

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