Monday, August 22, 2011

One Month Of Marriage

Yesterday, Mike and I realized that we have been married for one month!  I know that's not a long time, but it's still exciting for us!  I've already learned a lot about marriage in just a month and it has been so much fun!  

Here is a list of things that I have learned/realized since Mike and I got married:  

1. No matter how badly you want your husband to do the dishes, he will not do them if he doesn't want to.  I realized this not too long ago.  Mike HATES doing the dishes!  I don't like doing them either, but someone has to!  Mike has figured out that saying that he will do the dishes in a few hours makes me happy.  He has also figured out that I absolutely can't wait a few hours for him to do them, and will do them before he has to.  Basically, it makes him feel like a wonderful husband for saying that he will do them, but he also knows that if he puts it off and puts it off, my little bit of OCD will click on and I will do them!  It's hilarious!  I do have to say that if I am sick or just not feeling too well, Mike does the dishes.  I have to give him some credit!  

2. I don't know if anyone out there has a husband that does the laundry, but Mike doesn't do laundry much either.  He has helped me hang up clothes and fold clothes, but when it comes to actually starting the washing machine/dryer, he rarely does it!  

3. Apparently, women who are wives, are expected to cook, do the dishes, do laundry, and clean the house.  Thank goodness my husband does help me a lot when it comes to cleaning the house.  :)    

4. Now that we are married, Mike and I fight a lot less than we did before!  I don't know for sure why we fight less now, but I honestly think that it is because a lot of stress is off of me now that we're married.  We were living together before we got married, and as much I loved living with him, I knew that in God's eyes and other people's eyes, that it was wrong.  I constantly had to defend myself and Mike when it came to other people bringing up how wrong it is to live with someone before marriage and have sex before marriage.  I know that according to the Bible and God, it's wrong.  It was just causing me a lot of stress and I didn't realize it until recently!  I do remember the afternoon after we got married, I told Mike that God must be smiling down on us at that moment because we had made what we were doing, right.  When Mike and I fight, it's over little issues but in the past those little issues caused big fights!  Now, we rarely fight and it's great!  :)  

5. It is absolutely wonderful being able to wake up next to my husband every single day.  We really have so much laughter in our marriage, and I don't think we even realize it a lot of the time.  My husband accepts me for who I am.  He might poke fun at me every now and then, but I love it.  For example, about two week ago I wasn't feeling good.  One morning, I woke up and was thirsty.  Mike was already awake and in the living room.  I walked into the living room to go to the kitchen, and Mike says, "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes".  Let me just say that when I wake up in the mornings, I usually look like I just got ran over by a 18 wheeler.  My hair is normally all over my head and my eyes don't open fully until about an hour after I wake up.  Of course, Mike was being "funny" when he said what he did but it cracked me up.  I'm glad that he can find humor in what I look like when I get out of bed!  LOL!  

Those are just a few things that I have learned/realized so far.  Being married to Mike is absolutely amazing.  I love being a newlywed!  My husband might get on my nerves sometimes but he treats me extremely well and makes me happy!  I love him so much!  

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