Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Old Diaries

I was unpacking some boxes earlier and came across several of my old diaries and journals.  I even found the very first diary that I had as a little girl.  I read all of the ones that I found, and I am so glad that I have them.  They take me back to a time when I was so carefree and happy.  I didn't have many responsibilities and my parents were still together.  My very first diary has entries written about visits to my grandparents and about the pets that I had at that time.  I wrote entries about my very first crush and how much I liked him.  It is so funny to read.  I was so innocent at that age.  I had my life planned out from start to finish and claimed that I wouldn't be happy unless life happened the way that I wanted it to.  

The journals from when I was a teenager definitely brought some memories back.  I wrote entries about EVERYTHING.  I went to a music camp in Kentucky the summer before I started high school.  I wrote an entry every day while I was there.  It talked about the different things that I did and the guy that I liked while I was there.  I wrote about everything that he said to me and back then, I couldn't figure out if he liked me or not.  Just by reading those entries, anyone could tell that he liked me.  So funny!  The last few entries talked about how we went to the dance at camp together and how we slow danced and how much I would miss him and everyone else when it was time to go home.  When I became a teenager, I wanted to meet someone and fall in love.  Love has always been important to me.  

I wish that I could go back and relive some of those experiences because they were so much fun!  I definitely laugh at the things that I was so stressed out about back then.  They don't even begin to compare to the stress that I go through now!  :)  

I can't wait until I have a child of my own that can read my diaries and journals to see what I was like as a kid.  I have so many of them and my children will definitely be able to figure out who I was when I was younger...and maybe after I'm gone, they will be passed on for years and years and years.  That would be neat.  :)  

I guess I will try to get some sleep!  I have to get up at 6:00am!  Yuck!  

Good night! 

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