Thursday, December 23, 2010

Love Of My Life

I love my fiance'. I can honestly say that he is the love of my life. He makes me laugh constantly and cares about me so much. Those are the two qualities that have always been so important to me in the past when I was dating. I have been in relationships before with men who "bored" me to death. There wasn't enough laughter and they just weren't "goofy" enough for me. I'm a silly person and I love to in the past, any guy that couldn't make me laugh or had no sense of humor got pushed on their merry little way.

Mike is hilarious! He is so random and you never know what he is going to say or do. I absolutely love it. We goof off so much together and it is fun! He is my best friend and I'm so happy that he found me in 2008 on Myspace! Yep, that's right! We met on that website. He was browsing through people on there and came across my picture. He has always told me that even though there were tons of other profiles next to was like mine lit up to him, and he had to click on it and send me a message. I was kind of hesitant at first about meeting him in person...because sometimes that can be dangerous...but something just told me to do it...and now, over two years later we are engaged! I never saw it coming!

He is the only guy that I have been with that can handle me. I'm a different type of person and I have a unique personality that a lot of guys in the past just haven't been able to handle. I can get really goofy, so I never lasted long in a relationship with a guy that was serious all of the time. Mike is more goofy than I am! He knows how to deal with my moods and he will put me in my place really fast, if I say or do something completely wrong. He doesn't back down to me at all when he knows that I'm wrong. I have a hard time admitting when I'm wrong and I always needed a man like Mike! In the past I would be with a guy and get in a fight and he would back down because he just didn't want to deal with it. Mike is the opposite. If we get in a fight, and I'm in the wrong but don't admit to it, he tells me quickly that I'm wrong and then I start thinking about it and apologize. I would say that we have a really strong relationship. He admits when he is wrong and I might be reluctant to admit when I'm wrong, but I always come around and admit it, in the end. I'm thankful that he puts up with me! ;)

I am so in love with him. Words can't even begin to describe how I feel about him. I've never felt this way about anyone in my life. I've never wanted so much to make anyone happy...but with him, I always try to make him happy and he is the same way with me. We have been through a lot together and it has only made us stronger. We have been through some very stressful issues and went through it together. That is why we are still together today. We realized that we can make it through any situation, any fight, any struggle...without breaking our relationship.

We love each other unconditionally....and that is proven because I have seen him at his worst and he has seen me at my worst. The first night that we met in person, he saw me at my worst, because it was the night that my best friend died in a car wreck on his way to meet me. I had already met Mike earlier in the day, but when I couldn't find Matt and it was close to midnight...I went to Mike's house to wait there until I heard something. He was right beside me when Matt's friend called me and told me that he had died. He had some other friends over, and cleared them out of the room and knelt down beside me and talked to me. I knew at that very moment, that he was special and was a good man.

I can't wait to marry him! :)

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