Friday, December 3, 2010

The Latest

I haven't posted lately because life has been incredibly crazy! We had a death in the family the weekend before Thanksgiving and I was out of town for several days.

I'm engaged! Mike proposed to me on Thanksgiving when I got home from being out of town! I was not expecting it at all. He had joked around about it several other words...he proposed to me with a "ring pop" and then did it again with a picture from a magazine. That was all part of his plan but it made me so frustrated every time he did that! Both times, I thought it was the real thing and then it turned out to be a joke. I had given up on hoping for a real proposal. ;)

His plan was to propose to me on Thanksgiving day while his entire family was here. He bought the ring the week before. His plan didn't work out because of the death in my family. I ended up having to go out of town with my mom and wasn't there when his whole family was at the house. I got home that night and he was asleep. I woke him up and he asked me if I was really depressed. I said no, but that the funeral and everything had been extremely hard to deal with. He said, "I'm sorry". I didn't know what he was apologizing for, but then he handed me a box. I knew what it was but I didn't believe it was the "real deal" so I said, "What is this???" in a really sarcastic tone. LOL. He opened it up and asked me to marry him. Of course, I said yes, and then laughed and cried!

We have been together for over two years so it was about time! ;) Any other woman might have gotten mad at the way that he proposed. Not this girl. I was so happy! He could have proposed to me in a bathroom beside a toilet and it would have been okay. I have been wanting to marry him for a while and just the fact that he proposed made me the happiest woman on the planet.

We haven't set a date yet. My parents aren't able to help out with money for the wedding and Mike just started his own business. It is going well but we are wanting to move closer to his business and get settled in before we get married. We are both hoping that we will get married sometime next year. I have no idea where I want to get married, but I want it to be a simple wedding....just preferably not at the courthouse! LOL. That just doesn't sound romantic. I really don't want to get married in a church either. I guess I should really start looking at places but lately I haven't had time! His business is open 6 days a week and we have been busy with that.

This month has been hard. I lost the person that was always a true grandmother to me. We knew that it was coming, but it was a shock to everyone once it happened. It has made it even harder considering the fact that it happened right before the holidays. Thanksgiving wasn't the same without her and Christmas will be just as hard. She had planned her funeral before she passed away. She was on hospice and she wanted everything to already be planned out so that her husband wouldn't have to deal with all of it while he was grieving. The funeral was beautiful and so was the burial ceremony. We released 4 white doves at her burial site just like she had planned it. I miss her every single day and I hope she is watching over me from heaven, because that is exactly where she is. Right before she died, she said that she saw Jesus and her mother and that it was all so beautiful. That makes me smile and I know that she is better off because she isn't suffering anymore.

That's the update for now! Have a great weekend! :)


  1. Congrats on the engagement! I know how you feel...Chris & I were together for 2 years before he finally proposed. It got the the point that I would cry when we got home from dates b/c he hadn't proposed...ridiculous now...but at the time I felt awful about it! Ps. If you need any help with the wedding let me know! Chris & I planned & paid for ours. So I know a lot of good vendors & ideas for cost cutting :)

  2. I understand the crying part! I cried so many times when he didn't propose. But, the wait was worth it! I need all the help I can get with wedding planning...especially when it comes to cost cutting. I'm completely clueless as to where to even start. I'm sure I will figure it out, but it is stressful. We haven't even set a date yet! Ridiculous! ;) I hope you are doing well! Have a great weekend!
