Thursday, October 14, 2010

Then And Now

This is going to be a blog post that's full of pictures from a long, long time ago and some that are recent! I love to look at old pictures and reminisce about when I was a little girl. It's funny that as kids, we were in such a rush to grow up. Now, I would love to go back and be a little girl again with no worries and a lot of time to play!This picture was taken at our old house in Lebanon. I think it's one of the earliest pictures that my parents have of me, considering that they adopted me when I was 5 months old! My mom looks so happy in this picture. She waited a long time to finally be able to adopt kids. She wasn't able to have any on her own.

Look at my crazy hair! Believe it or not, I still look like that when I wake up in the mornings! This was taken on Christmas morning. The sad part....I didn't get a bike for Christmas. My brother did and I wanted it!!! I still have that bear at my mom's house! I loved that thing, because it talked to me! :)

This is one of my favorites of my brother and I! We looked so happy to be in a picture together! Little did our parents know.....that would
definitely change!

Abe and I always had huge imaginations. We spent a lot of time outside in the woods behind our house! I loved that red jacket so much too and I just love Abe's shoes! Haha!

I'm almost positive that this was the day that my "attitude" was born! This is a picture of me, Abe, and our cousin, Bianca at our grandparents house. I have no idea what I was mad about, but I am not a happy camper!!!

I loved Kindergarten! I had the best teacher that I will always remember. Miss Stout was her name back then(now it is Mrs. Chaffin). One of the best memories that I have from Kindergarten, is the sleepover that we had at Miss
Stout's house! We had so much fun and I can remember it like it was yesterday. I got lucky too, because I had the same teacher for 5th grade! :)
I loved climbing and hanging from trees when I was younger! I wish I could still do that now, but I would probably break my hip. ;) This was taken at my grandparents house. I have so many wonderful memories from that house. The dog in the picture is "Boots". It's funny how I remember her name, even though she died many, many years ago. She was a sweet dog!

Since it's so close to Halloween, I wanted to put this picture on here! We dressed up as zombies for a church Halloween party. At least that's what I think we went as....or maybe we're supposed to be ghosts. I can't remember! We had a lot of fun at those parties each year, bobbing for apples and going through the "haunted house" upstairs and getting to stick our hands in a "dead person". H
alloween just isn't as fun when you're older, unless you have kids!

This is a little out of order but I found it and had to put it on here! This is a picture of Abe, a girl that I don't remember, and me playing violin in a recital. We started playing violin when we were 3 years old. I took lessons until I was 18. I can still play, but I'm a little rusty. I wish I had kept up wit
h it but after doing it for so long, I was burned out!!! I had a lot of fun being in an orchestra even though it was hard work and time consuming! know the picture up at the top where I said that Abe and I looked so happy to be in a picture together? Yep, that changed. I think we were mad at our parents in this one. We were at soccer practice and we pretty muc
h hated each other anyways! It's funny how things change!

As EMBARRASSING as this picture is, I had to share it. I am loving the glasses and the braces! I love babies....always have, always will. I was so happy in this picture! My hair was really puffy and long but at least I was sort of tan, which is more than I can say for myself right now! ;)

I look extremely anorexic in this picture, do I not?!?!? I was so skinny back then and it wasn't because I was anorexic. I just had a really fast metabolism, I guess! Why couldn't I have been a beached whale back then, and skinny now??? It's not fair! This is a picture of my mom and I at church. I love my mama!

This was taken at a church lock-in at the Jimmy Floyd Center in Lebanon. I think at this point I was absolutely delirious, but I always had fun at the lock-ins! My hair DOES NOT get that straight anymore!

This was the last picture taken of my dad and I, before he left. That chorus dress was very hot and very uncomfortable!!! I can remember performing at a church with sweat dripping down my back. My chorus teacher, Mr. Herring, was such a memorable teacher. I used to argue and argue with him...
.bless his heart. I was and still am a stubborn person! Good times, good times.

This was at Mid South Youth Camp aka church camp. Erin, I know you read my blog, so maybe you will get a good laugh out of this one! :) I look like I'm wearing a bandanna as a skirt! This was the year that I was "head over heels in love" with Jason and we were getting ready to go to Freed Hardeman. We all had "dates". That is hilarious!!! I had so much fun at church camp the years that I went but I do have to admit that I didn't go for the whole "church" experience. I went to meet guys!!! At least I can be honest about that now! ;)

This picture was taken at "banquet" my junior year. We couldn't have "proms" because they didn't allow dancing! At least they fed us! ;) My date was Michael who I swore up and down was the guy that I was going to marry....along with a million other guys. What can I say? I was a "little" guy crazy!

You just have to love the family church pictures for the church directory! brother looks adorable!!!

Senior year banquet! I was just extremely tan...almost a little too tan. We had fun and I won't even mention that I went to banquet with a freshman that year! Wow.

I think this was in 2007 when I was getting ready to go to work for the first time as a CNA. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the MSYC picture!!! I only went to camp for the boys too...let's be honest...we all did :) It's funny how we've all changed so much! Growing up together was fun though :)
