Monday, June 27, 2011

Catch Up!

Wow!  It has been almost a month since I updated my blog.  Mike and I went on vacation the first part of this month.  It was one of those last minute trips and we ended up in Panama City Beach, Florida!  I hadn't seen the ocean since I was a little girl, so of course, I was extremely excited.  We spent our vacation swimming, snorkeling, and seeing the sights.  We went to Shell Island, which is one of the only untouched islands there.  We didn't have any shade there whatsoever and got very sunburned.  I'll just say that I could barely move and ended up with blisters and a whole lot of peeling on my ta-tas and my back.  Mike was the same way, but mainly on his back. 

The first night that we were there, we decided to take a walk on the beach.  Let me remind you, that I hadn't seen the ocean since I was little and couldn't remember that so I was scared to death.  Mike made the mistake of telling me not to step on anything black or jelly-like.  Once he said that, I wanted off of the!  I don't know why I got so scared but I guess it was because I wasn't used to oceans and beaches.  It's sad, I know!  Thank goodness I was able to get over it and swim in the ocean the next day.  I definitely wasn't prepared for the waves though!  We had a yellow flag and the waves were coming up over our heads and taking us under the water!  It scared me at first, but then I realized how much fun it was.  LOL.  

Our snorkeling trip was interesting.  We did that on Shell Island.  I mainly stayed in the shallow, calm parts but I didn't get to see many interesting things.  Mike wanted me to swim out with him to the deep parts but I told him that if I did, I would end up making him drown along with myself.  I can swim, but I'm not used to those strong waves, and I knew I would end up panicking if I went out to the deep parts.  He went by himself and was trying to see the dolphins but he couldn't find any.  He did see some bigger fish though.  Right before we left Shell Island he caught me a hermit crab.  We didn't realize it at the time, but those crabs are not the same as the ones that you can buy at a pet store!  Those have to live in salt water.  Once we realized that, we went to a store and bought a large hermit crab.  Then, on our way home, we put the sea crab back into the ocean.  I love hermit crabs and they are really easy to take care of.  Right now, mine has his own 10 gallon aquarium with sand, toys, a food bowl, a water bowl, and a hut.  I just wish he would move around more!!!  :)  

It was so beautiful in Florida.  We had a oceanfront hotel room on the very top floor.  It would have been absolutely wonderful, but on the second day that we were there we got bombarded with teenagers.  About 150 teenagers were all together to celebrate graduating from high school and most of them were on the same floor that we were on.  They never went to sleep!  Mike and I heard them all night long, screaming from their balconies.  They stayed drunk and were so disrespectful to everyone.  We even heard that a lot of them were taking pills and doing drugs.  Mike talked to a few people that had complained and were demanding a refund from the hotel.  I don't blame them!  Thank goodness, we were able to just deal with it without going off at all of them.  You're only young once, and I remember when I was that age, although I wasn't quite that bad!  

Now that we're back home, we are both wishing that we were still there.  It was nice to just get away from everything for a while.  Mike is working for a lawyer now.  He just started back today and it was supposed to be a fill-in for someone that had gone on vacation, but he called earlier and said that he got his job back.  He worked there before he started his own business last year.  I'm happy for him.  I just wonder when I will have some good news to share!  I still don't have a job and have been turned down for a lot of jobs that I've applied for.  It's disappointing because I feel like this will never end and that I will never get a job.  I don't like being rejected but I know that is just how it goes these days.  I just need to go back to school!  

I'm off to do some things around the house but before I go, here are some pictures from our Florida trip!  :)

Our view from the hotel room!  

Mike and I on Shell Island
Last picture on our balcony before we left Florida!  

I love palm trees!  
Another view from our hotel room!  




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