Friday, April 29, 2011


I am so thankful right now to be somewhat healthy and alive.  The storms that hit the south on Wednesday devastated several areas, and killed a lot of people.  Tuscaloosa, Alabama was one of the worst areas that was hit.  I saw a video of the tornado that went through that area, and it was huge.  The national weather service said that it was an F4 tornado, and by the looks of it, that sounds about right.  In my area, we had storms but it wasn't anything compared to what other parts of the south had to deal with.  On the news, they said that if it had been humid or sunny in the places that weren't hit hard, we would have had some serious tornadoes as well.  

Watching the coverage of the damage across Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee, made me cry.  It is so sad to see houses completely leveled and people who have lost everything, including loved ones.  I can't even begin to imagine what those people are going through right now.  I just pray for peace for them.  I know that those people will have a long road ahead of them and I wish that I could help them.  

It really makes me realize how blessed that I am.  I may not have a lot of money, a million dollar house, or an expensive car and my life might not be going the way that I would like for it to go....but I'm alive and my family is alive.  It could have easily been us that got hit by a huge tornado, and right now I am just thankful for life and every thing that I have been blessed with in this life. 

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