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Last week was not a very good week because my cat, Delilah, was really sick. I started noticing it last Sunday. She wasn't using the bathroom in the litter box. Instead, she was using it on the rugs in the house. I'm glad that she did because I was able to soak it up and see that there was blood in her urine. That usually means that the cat has a urinary tract infection. So, off to the vet we went on Monday. He confirmed the urinary tract infection just by the symptoms and put her on some antibiotics. He told me that they usually get rid of the infection in two days. That didn't happen. I thought she was getting better but early Friday morning she had urinated in the bathtub and there was a lot of blood in her urine.
I cried myself to sleep and slept for a few hours. There is nothing worse than feeling helpless when it comes to a pet. I get attached to animals. I've had Delilah since 2007. She was just a baby kitten when I got her and she bonded with me really fast. I called the vet on Friday morning and was able to get an appointment for 11:30am. I was worried sick and scared that she would be diagnosed with something really bad. I showed the vet the picture that I took of the urine in the bathtub and he gave her a shot. He said that if she didn't get better by Monday, to call and bring her back in.
So far, so good. She still doesn't seem to be back to her normal self, but she hasn't been urinating outside of the litter pan(that I am aware of) and she is eating and drinking. She just isn't as loud and playful as she usually is. She normally meows a lot. She hasn't done that much lately and that worries me, but I'm hoping it is just because she is getting over the infection. Bless her heart. She has been pitiful.
It could be something that is bad and life-threatening but I won't know unless she acts sickly again and I take her back to the vet. I'm just going to keep a close watch on her and hope for the best! She is my baby and I don't know what I would do without her!
Pictures of Delilah:
This is Delilah, when she was a baby! She was such a handful. The first night that I had her, she had to stay downstairs, while we went upstairs to sleep. Our pit bull at the time, stayed in the bed with me and we were afraid to put them together. She climbed up the stairs and meowed and meowed at the door. I took her downstairs and laid on the couch with her and she cuddled with me. I fell in love with her after that! I stayed on the couch with her for about a week and then we were able to put the dog and cat together.
Look at my sweet baby. She is just precious in this picture. I haven't been able to get her to wear a collar since. She hates them! The bell on it must have annoyed her! :)
This picture was taken last year. She loves to be outside but unfortunately I can't let her out there anymore because of fleas and other cats that are in the neighborhood!
Can you tell that I LOVE this cat??? I hope she gets better soon!!!
This is going to be a blog post that's full of pictures from a long, long time ago and some that are recent! I love to look at old pictures and reminisce about when I was a little girl. It's funny that as kids, we were in such a rush to grow up. Now, I would love to go back and be a little girl again with no worries and a lot of time to play!
This picture was taken at our old house in Lebanon. I think it's one of the earliest pictures that my parents have of me, considering that they adopted me when I was 5 months old! My mom looks so happy in this picture. She waited a long time to finally be able to adopt kids. She wasn't able to have any on her own.
Look at my crazy hair! Believe it or not, I still look like that when I wake up in the mornings! This was taken on Christmas morning. The sad part....I didn't get a bike for Christmas. My brother did and I wanted it!!! I still have that bear at my mom's house! I loved that thing, because it talked to me! :)
This is one of my favorites of my brother and I! We looked so happy to be in a picture together! Little did our parents know.....that would definitely change!
Abe and I always had huge imaginations. We spent a lot of time outside in the woods behind our house! I loved that red jacket so much too and I just love Abe's shoes! Haha!
I'm almost positive that this was the day that my "attitude" was born! This is a picture of me, Abe, and our cousin, Bianca at our grandparents house. I have no idea what I was mad about, but I am not a happy camper!!!
I loved Kindergarten! I had the best teacher that I will always remember. Miss Stout was her name back then(now it is Mrs. Chaffin). One of the best memories that I have from Kindergarten, is the sleepover that we had at Miss Stout's house! We had so much fun and I can remember it like it was yesterday. I got lucky too, because I had the same teacher for 5th grade! :)
I loved climbing and hanging from trees when I was younger! I wish I could still do that now, but I would probably break my hip. ;) This was taken at my grandparents house. I have so many wonderful memories from that house. The dog in the picture is "Boots". It's funny how I remember her name, even though she died many, many years ago. She was a sweet dog!
Since it's so close to Halloween, I wanted to put this picture on here! We dressed up as zombies for a church Halloween party. At least that's what I think we went as....or maybe we're supposed to be ghosts. I can't remember! We had a lot of fun at those parties each year, bobbing for apples and going through the "haunted house" upstairs and getting to stick our hands in a "dead person". Halloween just isn't as fun when you're older, unless you have kids!
This is a little out of order but I found it and had to put it on here! This is a picture of Abe, a girl that I don't remember, and me playing violin in a recital. We started playing violin when we were 3 years old. I took lessons until I was 18. I can still play, but I'm a little rusty. I wish I had kept up with it but after doing it for so long, I was burned out!!! I had a lot of fun being in an orchestra even though it was hard work and time consuming! know the picture up at the top where I said that Abe and I looked so happy to be in a picture together? Yep, that changed. I think we were mad at our parents in this one. We were at soccer practice and we pretty much hated each other anyways! It's funny how things change!
As EMBARRASSING as this picture is, I had to share it. I am loving the glasses and the braces! I love babies....always have, always will. I was so happy in this picture! My hair was really puffy and long but at least I was sort of tan, which is more than I can say for myself right now! ;)
I look extremely anorexic in this picture, do I not?!?!? I was so skinny back then and it wasn't because I was anorexic. I just had a really fast metabolism, I guess! Why couldn't I have been a beached whale back then, and skinny now??? It's not fair! This is a picture of my mom and I at church. I love my mama!
This was taken at a church lock-in at the Jimmy Floyd Center in Lebanon. I think at this point I was absolutely delirious, but I always had fun at the lock-ins! My hair DOES NOT get that straight anymore!
This was the last picture taken of my dad and I, before he left. That chorus dress was very hot and very uncomfortable!!! I can remember performing at a church with sweat dripping down my back. My chorus teacher, Mr. Herring, was such a memorable teacher. I used to argue and argue with him....bless his heart. I was and still am a stubborn person! Good times, good times.
This was at Mid South Youth Camp aka church camp. Erin, I know you read my blog, so maybe you will get a good laugh out of this one! :) I look like I'm wearing a bandanna as a skirt! This was the year that I was "head over heels in love" with Jason and we were getting ready to go to Freed Hardeman. We all had "dates". That is hilarious!!! I had so much fun at church camp the years that I went but I do have to admit that I didn't go for the whole "church" experience. I went to meet guys!!! At least I can be honest about that now! ;)
This picture was taken at "banquet" my junior year. We couldn't have "proms" because they didn't allow dancing! At least they fed us! ;) My date was Michael who I swore up and down was the guy that I was going to marry....along with a million other guys. What can I say? I was a "little" guy crazy!
You just have to love the family church pictures for the church directory! brother looks adorable!!!
Senior year banquet! I was just extremely tan...almost a little too tan. We had fun and I won't even mention that I went to banquet with a freshman that year! Wow.

I think this was in 2007 when I was getting ready to go to work for the first time as a CNA. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into! ;)