Saturday, December 31, 2011


This year is almost over and I can't believe it!  It has gone by so fast!  

2011 has been a year of ups and downs.  We moved to Goodlettsville in order to be close to Mike's business.  In March, Mike sold his business to his sister because of a lot of unnecessary drama.  I struggled most of the year with finding and keeping jobs.  In June, we went on a much needed vacation to Panama City Beach, Florida.  We had so much fun together and created a lot of new memories that will be cherished forever!  One of those memories is the awful sunburns that we both got while on Shell Island!  It wasn't funny then, but now, it is hilarious!  

On July 21st, Mike and I got married.  It was, by far, the happiest day of my life.  Who would have thought that a courthouse wedding would be perfect for me.....the hopeless romantic who started planning her wedding as a teenager!  I didn't realize that once I met "the one" it wouldn't matter where we got married and that I didn't have to have the most elaborate wedding on the face of the planet.  I am so happy to be married to my best friend and love of my life.  Our wedding was the highlight of this year, by far.  I started dreaming of being married when I was just a little girl so marrying Mike was a dream come true!  I love him with all of my heart and soul and I know without a doubt that our marriage will continue to grow and that we will always love each other more and more every day.  He's my kind of perfect.  :)  

The end of November brought a new job for me and I have been able to keep the job for over a month now.  That is saying a lot since I have quit a lot of jobs in the past.  Depression got me down a lot this year, especially as the beginning and middle part of the year.  But, I was able to get through it without having a mental breakdown and without anti-depressants.  Thank goodness I was able to work through it on my own!  

2012 will hopefully be a wonderful year.  Mike and I are trying to have a baby.  It is going to involve me losing weight and getting on fertility drugs.  I am really hoping and praying that I will get pregnant in 2012, but I am also prepared for let down if it doesn't happen.  I am learning to deal with my infertility/PCOS without getting extremely depressed.  I have to remind myself daily that everything happens for a reason.  If I am meant to have a baby, I will have one.  If not, then it must be God's plan for me.  

We are moving at the end of January.  We will be moving back towards the Hermitage area.  We are ready to be closer to family again!  

I will possibly be going back to school in 2012 although I haven't quite figured out what I want to do!  I am leaning towards the idea of becoming a funeral director but I also have thought about becoming a social worker or something like that.  My mind changes a lot so who knows what I will decide!  I just want a job that I can enjoy and that I won't dread going to every day!  More money would also be nice!  

I guess that is all for now!  Enjoy your New Year's Eve and New Year's Day!  Here I come, 2012!!!  :)